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💬Coconara | Each bottle is carefully handmade by our dedicated concierge. We provide end credits that create an emotional finale quickly and cheaply.

Our dedicated concierge carefully handcrafts each piece.We provide end credits that create an emotional finale quickly and cheaply.

☆ Over 1 production records at a movie production company specializing in weddings ☆

The exclusive concierge will carefully handcraft each one.
We will quickly provide high-quality movies at surprisingly low prices.
Leave the end credits to DMC, a video production company specializing in wedding movies!

★★★ About the product ★★★

Product: ① End Roll Kino
    ②End roll social
    ③End roll photography
    ④End credits simple
    ⑤End credits Nature
    ⑥End roll green
*Please set the image quality to 720p to watch.

Fees: Data delivery: 0 yen, DVD delivery: +2,000 yen, Blu-ray delivery: +3,500 yen
Data+DVD double delivery +3,500 yen・Data+Blu-ray double delivery +5,000 yen
Photos: 20 photos for ① and ④, 30 photos for ② and ⑤, 16 photos for ③ and ⑥ (Photos can be added)
Music: 1 song available
Period: After receiving the materials...

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