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💬Coconara|We will help you obtain a US EIN (Employer Identification Number).We can speak Japanese, but we will prepare all English documents and apply to the IRS.

We will assist you in obtaining a US EIN (Employer Identification Number).We can speak Japanese, but we will prepare all English documents and apply to the IRS.

We will help you obtain a US EIN (employer identification number).
We have a track record of over 30 cases and can help you obtain the certification smoothly.

<Features of service>
●Communication in Japanese is OK
●We are well-versed in how to fill out documents based on our experience in over 30 cases.
●Number acquisition rate for new applications is 100%
●We strive to respond efficiently and quickly to reduce the burden on our customers.

<Service flow>
step1. Confirm the request details
Please check the EIN application status and provide the information necessary for application.

step2. Document preparation and application procedures on your behalf
We will create the document in English and send it as a PDF. Please hand sign and return

step3. We will handle the application procedure to the IRS on your behalf.
Apply by phone to the IRS and obtain a number.


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